Roman Empire, Middle Roman Empire (193-284)
Category: Roman Empire
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Roman Empire, Late Roman Empire (284-476)
Rome, Valentinian-Theodosian Dynasty (364-455); Constantine III, Constans II: Visigoth Kingdom, Frankish Kingdom
Roman Empire, Late Roman Empire (284-476)
Rome, Constantinian Dynasty (305-364), Tetrarchic Wars (306-324): Constantine-I/Maxentius’ Civil War [5/12], Licinius/Maximinus II Dias’ Civil War [6/12]
Roman Empire, Late Roman Empire (284-476)
Rome, Valentinian-Theodosian Dynasty (364-455): Valentinian II, Valens’ Second Gothic War [5/6]
Roman Empire, Late Roman Empire (284-476)
Rome, Constantinian Dynasty (305-364): Constantius II’s Sassanid [6/9] and CivilĀ [9/12] Wars
Rome: Julio-Claudian Dynasty (27-00-68)
Roman Empire, Late Roman Empire (284-476)
Rome, Valentinian-Theodosian Dynasty (364-455), Valentinian III: Flavius Aetius, Theodosius II’s (2nd) Sassanian War
Roman Empire, Late Roman Empire (284-476)
Rome, Non-dynastic (455-476) (W) and the Leonid Dynasty (457-518) (E): Romulus Augustulus (W), Zeno [2/2], Odoacer
Roman Empire, Middle Roman Empire (193-284)
Rome, Severan Dynasty (193-217), Septimius Severus: North Africa (27-00-197); Proconsularis, Mauretania and Numidia
Roman Empire, Early Roman Empire (27-00-193)